مصطفی فیض

1396/10/25 تعداد بازدید: 2716
مصطفی فیض

Name & surname: Mostafa Feiz
Field and Mineral Exploration Geologist with 10 years of experience working directly for Geological Survey of Iran. Ability to research, management and problem solving in every aspect of mineral exploration resource, mapping, sample collection and analyzed data and assessing resource.
Field and mineral exploration geologist at Geological Survey of Iran, Northern East Territory
from 2008 to present involves:
  • Pursue investigations and conduct original research into metallogenesis (mineral deposit formation) with a specific focus on the magmatic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes associated with the formation of mineral deposits in NE of Iran.
  • Evaluate the process by which mineral deposits form and how the processes are related to certain environmental factors, specifically the presence and characteristics of hydrothermal fluids, the nature, temporal, and spatial evolution of associated magmatic systems, and the local crust and mantle properties.
  • Team working with other geoscience specialists in order to bring together expertise in economic geology, deposit and district scale geologic and alteration mapping, mineralography and logging of drill cores in the field.
B.Sc. in Geology, Azad university of Zahedan, SE of Iran (2003)
M.Sc. in Economic Geology, Azad university of North Tehran Brunch, Iran (2006), [grade A]
  • Expert in ArcGIS 10.2, LogPlot 7, SPSS 13, ENVI 4.8, Microsoft Office 2013, AutoCAD 2014, Adobe Photoshop CS5 softwares and ability to make reports.
  • Detailed exploration of gold deposits in granitoids and volcano sedimentary rocks in Hired district (Lut Block, SE of Iran)
  • Exploration of veinlet copper and gold mineralization in Bardaskan (NE of Iran)
  • Exploration of sedimentary copper deposits in Khorasan province (NE of Iran)
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